Sunday, July 18, 2010

Wicklow Mountains

Lovely day today! We got up early and headed out of Dublin for the Wicklow Mountains. Took an off-off-highway route over the top. Gorgeous. So many shades of green – who knew? About 35 miles over the mountains, on a sheep path. Had to give way to some ewes who made it very clear they own the highway. Met a few cars coming our way – that was fun. But soooo pretty! Made it to Glendalough before noon.
Glendalough is an ancient monastery that St. Kevin established in about the year 800. It flourished as a monastic city until about 1287 when the – er- English (again) came along and destroyed it. It survived the Vikings, but not the English. Hhhmmm. Hiked up a shortish path to Kevin’s hermitage, saw the ruins of the chapel where his followers worshipped and then the cathedral that was built in the early 1,000s. At one time was probably the largest building in Europe.
The graves are ancient. It boggles. But such a pretty spot – one could understand how to forget the world in this place. The best preserved building is a tower that rises about 354 meters, built before the turn of the century (the century 1,000 that is) and is still standing today. When the Vikings would come along, the monks would hide in the tower, take away the wooden bridge to the doorway and wait them out.

Had lunch there and then headed down the road to Waterford. Visited the home of Waterford Crystal. Couldn’t even bother to covet it -- I’ll never be that rich. On to Tramore where we are now tucked in to our bed and breakfast on the Atlantic beach. A stormy and brooding night – yup got soaked coming home from the 300 year old pub where we had a lovely dinner. The Atlantic is virtually right outside our front door, and if I may say so, it feels like it would like to knock on it tonight.

Tomorrow on to Kinsale and, if the weather is reasonable, Blarney to kiss the stone.

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